Saturday, March 5, 2011

Me and You


This week's assignment asked us to find one blog from our peers whom we found similarities with and one whom's viewpoints may differ from ours. Like most of my peers, finding a blog with similar points of view as mine was quite easy.  I had to do a little digging to find someone with a different outlook on leadership.  Why? I think that we have all taken the same classes, and grown together in our quest to find out the "true" definition of leadership.  Also, we are hospitality majors--a special breed (in a good way, course).  Most of us JESTERS, we enjoy making others happy.  We create experiences!  It was a great learning tool that the HTM program has created some great leaders...  The blogs are all terrific.  I can't wait to see how we all progress.

Apples to apples...
With that said, I found Pedro Carvalho's views on leadership similar to mine.  Like me, Pedro thinks that leaders are not born, yet created.  Even though I think they can be both, I think that great leaders constantly strive to improve their skills AND traits.  Another thing that Pedro and I see eye to eye on is the most vital trait to become a great leader:  INTEGRITY.  There are many powerful leaders out there that lack this trait.  Unfortunately, in the case of Enron, it led to the collapse of a huge corporation, and the loss of the futures of it's employees. (I think we all know the story.)  I also agree that drive is a key trait.  You have to want to succeed, and be better than the best you can be.

Apples to oranges...
Ok, apples to oranges may be a bit dramatic in our comparisons to leadership theory, there is one way that Jounghwa Shin and I are very different.  That is how we deal with people.  She approaches problems a bit differently than I do.  When I encounter a problem, the "lover" and "caregiver" in me considers the action to take in regards of how it will effect those involved.  From her blog, it appears as though Jounghwa solves the problem logically.  I think that if I worked on a team with her, our differences would create quite a dynamic way to create solutions.

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