Tuesday, April 19, 2011

My Leadership Map

This Map represents the knowledge I have gained this semester and in other classes on what kind of leader I want to be and the distinct characteristics that have crafted my leadership style.

My History: These are the things that have brought me to where I am today.  They represent my values and morals.  I have chosen to take the things from the past, and use mistakes and shortcomings as opportunities for growth.

My Vision:  The goals I have set for myself as a leader.  I know I must stick to a path.  As I leave SDSU and become a Manager In Training, I know I must begin with the end in mind.  I must constantly ask myself what do I need to accomplish my vison.

Leadership Theories:  Of all the theories we have learned, I see myself as a Transformational leader.  I want to mentor my followers to become leaders themselves.  I want to create a shared vision and inspire. However, I must be aware of all theories we have discussed and explore new ones as well.

My skills and strengths: I know I have various strengths: I am optimistic, driven, and charismatic.  Even though I know these traits make a great leader, I must build on them and be aware of the skills and traits I may be deficient in and build them as well.

Barriers:  I am aware that there will be things that may slow my leadership development--my fears, concerns and working with different personality types.  I must be able to see my fears and concerns and conquer them.  I also know there will be times I will work with people I amy not be fond of, but I must not let hender my ability to achieve success.

Acquiring Constant Knowledge:  Yes, I will say it again... Knowledge is power.  Enough Said.

I will always be evolving as a leader.  This map will help create the leader I want to be!

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