Friday, February 11, 2011

Leadership Traits

"Managers are people who do things right, while leaders are people who do the right thing.” — Warren Bennis, Ph.D. On Becoming a Leader

Leaders do things many others are afraid to do
In my search to find the traits that I admire in a leader, I look to people throughout my life that I have found to be experts at being leaders, and have inspired me to mock these traits.  These innate qualities that have made me think, “Wow.  I want to be like that guy!"

Honesty -  never deceitful to get the job done.  They build trust by holding a high level of integrity and openness.  They are firm, yet kind.

Intelligence - They know knowledge is power.  They are knowledgeable on things because they always have a thirst to learn more.

Insightfulness - Have the ability to see themselves as others see them.  They strive for self-improvement.

Courage - They take challenges others may think are impossible.  They are not afraid to take risks or losing.

Passion - They love what they do in the organization, and inspire subordinates to do the same.

Long Range Vision - Set goals and have a clear vision of the future. 

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