Friday, February 18, 2011


Everyone has a story.  The Pearson-Marr Archetype Indicator (PMAI) is an instrument created from years of research that help identify where you are in your personal journey and what "character(s)" you are playing in this stage in your life.  The archetypes that you score highest on represent gifts you have, social strengths and leadership qualities.  For more information on PMAI click here

The archetype that I scored the highest on was the Jester, which I think is pretty accurate.  In short, the Jester is one who enjoys life and work.  I also believe that the Jester lives in the now--he does not dwell on the past or stress about the future.  Most importantly, the Jester can make light of difficult situations and enjoys making people laugh.  In my life right now, when I am given a challenge or given bad news, I try to find the "silver lining".

Appropriately, my shadow behavior is the Destroyer, which almost sounds like the opposite of the Jester.  The Destroyer lets go and puts an end to bad situations.  

Using the PMAI has helped me to grasp a better understanding of who I am, and where I am in my story.  I also know that my personal story is spiral, and I may take on another archetype in the future depending on my situations.  I have learned about other archetypes, and have a better understanding of why people are the way they are.  This is crucial in being a strong leader--you have to understand people's behavior when assigning the appropriate tasks and methods of instruction.


  1. Heather,
    I could have told you that you were the Jester before you even took this assessment! I'm the Jester as well, and it's quite apparent why we get along so well at work. Even when we have cranky managers, you and I both find ways to lighten the mood. And even though we like to have fun, we still get the job done, which is very important in our case. Since the Jester is not often taken seriously, I think it's important that we both take heed, but continue to "find the silver lining" in all situations.
    -Kayla Zacher

  2. So true! That is why I love working with you! We make a great team
